January 2019

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A very warm welcome to 2019 from myself and our project partners in Malawi!
First and foremost, thank you for continuing to support the work our partners do on the ground- we truly couldn’t do it without you! Remember that 100% of what you donate goes directly to our partners in Malawi and our team in Scotland are entirely voluntary and cover all of our own costs to run this charity.

A special thanks goes to the Rozelle Trust for choosing to generously support sustainable activities at STEKA for a second year. Thank you for trusting us to utilise yours funds  for maximum impact on the ground in orphan care in Malawi.

This newsletter will provide an update of the past 6 months at Kenyawi Kids and how we are confidently, in our own little way, having a real impact in meeting  Sustainable Development Goals 1,2,3,4,6,7 and 17!

We created a new centralised Facebook page for Kenyawi Kids which can be joined via this link https://www.facebook.com/kenyawikids/  . If you are already a member, why not invite your friends in to help us increase our support?


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